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Our forefathers have set the vision based on honest, respect, honour and loyalty and we feel these key principles coupled with a strong business mind is the driving force to the success of our business.

Above all else, integrity has played a significant role in the success of our business and we know it will continue to play a key role in the future growth of our business, especially where issues such Halal and Food safety are concerned.

Food safety is of paramount importance at JB Foods Yorkshire Limited and we have set the bar extremely high. Every member of staff is not only trained safety but educated in food safety and other related areas to ensure that every product is of the highest quality not just in terms of production but reaches in you in a state of satisfaction.

Buy British

Being in the food business, we're extremely passionate about British produce and we know that the county of Yorkshire has among the best we have to offer. That's why we've put a lot of thought and effort into designing a symbol we believe every British farm can relate to.

We appreciate the passion, care and hard work our farmers put into growing world class livestock and the competition they endure from cheap foreign products.

We feel strongly about promoting British Farms and this logo illustrates a symbol of excellence and serves as a dedication to our unsung heroes. We feel this logo will go a long way in promoting British Farmers and British produce.

Halal Ethics

The concept of Halal is of course very close to our foundations and is the single most important aspect of our vision. We are blessed that we are in a privilege sector by providing the Muslim community with a high quality Halal endorsed produce which is fully traceable.

However, we also acknowledge that as the world and general attitudes towards integrity changes, this will continue to be a bigger challenge; but one which we will embrace wholly.

Environmental Ethics

At JB Foods Yorkshire Limited, we take environmental issues seriously and we acknowledge that our social responsibility and contribution can go a long way towards a cleaner and greener planet. We have made substantial investments within our plant to ensure that our processes and operations are more manageable and our performances meet the high standards so we can have a lasting and positive impact on both the environment and of course, our neighbours.

We have worked perpetually in addressing issues which we feel can be controlled and areas such as reducing emissions and carbon footprint; odour control; waste management and water treatment system are just some of the areas that we make continual key investments to make sure that we do our part for the future. We work closely with the Environmental Agency to ensure that we contribute towards a cleaner environment. We fully appreciate the nature of our market and business and therefore, we have implemented a series of detailed environmental policies which we adhere to at all times.

Ethical Trading

J B Foods Yorkshire note our responsibility and commitment to key stakeholders, employees, customers, suppliers and the wider community with regards to ethical trading, employment and social accountability.

Our aims are: -

  • No person is forced to work through mental or physical threat
  • No person is owned or controlled by an 'employer', including through mental or physical abuse or the threat of abuse
  • No person is dehumanised, treated as a commodity or bought and sold as 'property'
  • No person is physically constrained or has restrictions placed on his/her freedom

Ethical Employment Social Acocountability

We recognise the effects and risk of Modern Slavery and seek to ensure the following requirements are met within our business and our supply chain:-

  • To contribute to the local and wider community
  • To work with our suppliers and distributors to promote ethical and social responsibility
  • To exercise fair and transparent recruitment with respect to gender, age and ethnicity
  • To provide suitable employment conditions
  • To recognise the employee's statutory rights

J B Foods Yorkshire ltd is committed to enabling the Equality Act 2010

Unit 16 Iron Works Business Park

Off Bowling Back Lane



01274 370 130

Unit 16 Iron Works Business Park

Off Bowling Back Lane



01274 370 130

Copyright 2025 JB Foods Yorkshire Ltd | Website by WTS Technologies

Copyright 2025 JB Foods Yorkshire Ltd
Website by WTS Technologies